Monday, January 28, 2013

What you staring?

Everyone will experience this if they own a cat. 
They say cats have the ability to see ghost or something that we cannot see. 
Especially black cat. 
Last time when i walking with my cat into a dark kitchen in my house, suddenly it stops and stares toward the front of me, its eyes pupils turn big (CUTE!) !! i will curious with what it staring? A lizard? 

However, time passed, i get used to being with this.
 Haha, perhaps it is a lizard...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Other than my family

My coursemates, SP, KT and his gf CM.

My roomates, Weisan and Jocelyn. Both of them are blogger as well. 

My legend started!!

hohohohoo! My legend start! 

Let me introduce my family members~~
From left to right: younger bro, dad, mom, younger sis, me and my boyfriend.

~.~ just having mood to draw but running out of idea..
